Assessment of risks in the banking system by stress testing at OBA

In order to be able to react in a timely manner to the crisis of a bank, the Hungarian deposit insurance scheme (OBA) monitors the shock-resistant ability of credit institutions. From a financial stability viewpoint it is important that deposit insurance schemes carry on its duties efficiently. To comply with this OBA incorporates the results of the central bank’s credit risk and bank liquidity stress tests in its risk-based premium calculation model as required by the EBA. Article Authors’ photos:

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Új KBB előállítására vonatkozó útmutató – tagintézetek számára

Az OBA Igazgatótanácsa elfogadta az új konszolidált betétadat (KBB) előállítására vonatkozó, „Konszolidált betétadat rekordszerkezetének leírása és kitöltési útmutatója” elnevezésű dokumentumot, melyet 2019. augusztus 1-jével kell alkalmazniuk a tagintézeteknek a KBB adatállomány előállítása során. További információk

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Alternative mandates of deposit insurance

More and more countries of the world operate explicite deposit insurance schemes and many of these have additional responsibilities beyond compensating depositors such as crisis management. This year 25 years old of OBA had also early intervention mandate between 1993-2006, while it currently has supporting function to bank resolution from 2014. Andras Komar, Managing Director and Andras Sulyok Senior Analyst co-authored an article on the alternative intervention role of OBA that was reently publised at Economy&Finance scientific periodic on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of OBA.

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Role of deposit insurance in the trust to the banking sector

Maintaning and building public trust toward the banking sector is not only pure interest but it is also a never ending task of the leaders and employees of the sector as well as it is of the governmental and political actors. The most efficent tool of this mutual interest is the existance of the deposit insurance. Article that covers link between public trust and role of deposit insurance written by Dr. Levente Kovacs, Secretary General of the Hungarian Banking Association has been appeared in the Special Editon of the Economy&Finance periodic on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of OBA (National Deposit Insurance Fund of Hungary). #oba #depositinsurance #banktrust #deposits

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OBA: 25 years in deposit insurance

As the first DI scheme in the CEE region OBA was established in 1993. Since then it compensated more than 180,000 depositors in 17 bank failures. Exposing the main challanges of the last 25 years of operation we organized a conference where OBA’s current and former leaders and colleagues, representants of the banking sector, local as well as international partners where all invited. Presentation held by EFDI Chairman Thierry Dissaux is available. (link) Articles of the Special Issue of Economy & Finance periodic is will be published in next days in our channels. Event’s program Presentation of Thierry Dissaux European Cooperation in Deposit Insurance – Thierry Dissaux Finance & Economy… Read More

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lláslehetőségek – csatlakozzon a betétbiztosítóhoz!

Az OBA tapasztalt szakembereket keres dinamikusan bővülő csapatába, többféle szerepkörben (igazgató, szakértő, vezetői asszisztens). Ha Önt vonzza a pénzügyek világa és a válságkezelési tevékenység, és a pénzügyi stabilitási védőháló részeként működő OBA-ban szívesen működne közre a betétesek védelmében, akkor Karrier oldalunk álláspályázatai között megtalálhatja az Önnek megfelelőt.

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