Tisza Cooperative Savings Bank: All depositors are expected to be indemnified by Christmas

Press release 11 December 2014 The National Deposit Insurance Fund (NDIF) has started the indemnification of the depositors of Tisza Cooperative Savings Bank today, and most of the affected customers are expected to receive their compensation by Christmas. Indemnities up to HUF 100,000 will be delivered by the Hungarian Postal Services to the depositors’ addresses, while in the case of larger amounts depositors will be notified by post about the possible ways of receiving their indemnities. Customers can obtain further information from NDIF’s customer service by calling their telephone number operational day and night. NDIF has started the indemnification of the depositors of Tisza Cooperative Savings Bank today after the… Read More

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NDIF to indemnify the depositors of three credit institutions

Press release 11 December 2014 Today the National Deposit Insurance Fund (NDIF) is also starting the indemnification of the depositors of Tisza Cooperative Savings Bank, and will finish the process within 20 working days. The customers of the savings bank can be entitled to the forint equivalent of maximum EUR 100,000 (maximum HUF 30,705,000) per person, independent of whether they are individual or corporate customers. Meanwhile, the ongoing payout processes of Széchenyi István Credit Union and Széchenyi Commercial Bank affect a total of 4,043 customers. In the three parallel indemnification processes NDIF must pay out nearly HUF 31.5 billion. NDIF has the resources required for fast payouts. Tisza Cooperative Savings… Read More

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NDIF started the indemnification of the depositors of Széchenyi Kereskedelmi Bank

Press release For immediate release! (Budapest, 5 December 2014) The period of 20 working days available for the indemnification of the depositors of Széchenyi Kereskedelmi Bank (Széchenyi Commercial Bank) started on 8 December. The National Deposit Insurance Fund (NDIF) will pay depositors a compensation of maximum HUF 30,705,000 per person, independent of whether they are individual or corporate customers. The Central Bank of Hungary (MNB) revoked the operating licence of Széchenyi Kereskedelmi Bank on 5 December, and it also ordered the liquidation of the institution. Depositors do not need to queue or take any action in order to receive their compensation. Customers will receive the payment reports regarding the payment… Read More

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About the indemnification of the depositors of Széchenyi Kereskedelmi Bank

ANNOUNCEMENT   In its resolution No. H-JÉ-I-535/2014 the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB) revoked the operating licence of Széchenyi Kereskedelmi Bank (Széchenyi Commercial Bank, registered office: 1126 Budapest, Nagy Jenő utca 12.) and has ordered its liquidation. Consequently, pursuant to Act CCXXXVII of 2013 on Credit Institutions and Financial Enterprises (Hpt.) NDIF will start the indemnification of depositors on 8 December 2014, and will complete the process within 20 working days. Amount of indemnification Pursuant to the above Act, NDIF will make personalised payments on deposit and interest claims calculated up to 5 December 2014 in the amount of maximum HUF 30,705,000, i.e. the HUF equivalent of maximum EUR 100,000… Read More

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About the indemnification of the depositors of Széchenyi István Credit Union

ANNOUNCEMENT In its resolution No. H-JÉ-I-528/2014 the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB) revoked the operating licence of Széchenyi István Credit Union (registered office: 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Kossuth Lajos u. 62-64.) and the court has ordered its liquidation. Consequently, pursuant to Act CCXXXVII of 2013 on Credit Institutions and Financial Enterprises (Hpt.) NDIF will start the indemnification of depositors on 5 December 2014, and will complete the process within 20 working days. Amount of indemnification Pursuant to the above Act, NDIF will make personalised payments on deposit and interest claims calculated up to 4 December 2014 in the amount of maximum HUF 30,688,000, i.e. the HUF equivalent of maximum EUR 100,000 per… Read More

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